Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Managing Problems Associated With Rapid Business Growth - Cliintel Big Data Analytics Firm Business Insights Tools Solutions

So, your business is growing, and quickly. That’s great! However, there are some cases where the bubble grows so quickly- and bursts. This is why rapid #businessgrowth is exciting, but nerve-wracking for any #executive. The common problems affiliated with #rapidgrowth will ultimately hurt your #customerrelationships and negatively affect your #business.

The #BigData #LifeCycle

To help you #UnderstandBigData we have put together a complete list of steps of the life cycle of big data. How has each stage progressed with time? We answer that too. Have a look at this #interestingread! Especially if you are already interested in #DataScience #BusinessIntelligence #DataAnalytics #ModernTech or just interested in learning more #StuffYouShouldKnow

Be First in #Change #Management

While courtesy in the #workplace is a good thing, there are times when you shouldn’t hold the door so all your #colleagues can go through before you. When approaching #changemanagement, forget what your mother told you: everybody has to head for the door together. Creating a door that’s wide enough to accommodate the crowd starts with a thoughtful change #managementplan.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

China: Where #BigData is #BigBrother

In #China, you must be weary of using the #internet, of conducting certain #searches. But the reasoning behind it all may surprise you.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

#China: Where #BigData is #BigBrother

We start off with a list of precautions you might want to take when #InternetBrowsing in China. It's not just companies, such as #Amazon or #Netflix that can use that data to create #recommendation #algorithms. Read to find out what China can do with their data. And it's not just #PrivateCorporations that have access to it... #Privacy #PrivacyScare #BigDataBigBrother #InternetofThings

4 Pieces of Quick Advice For Leveraging Big Data in Your Company - Cliintel Big Data Analytics Firm Business Insights Tools Solutions

Over 2/3 of businesses are starting to realize that they need to develop a #datastrategy in order to be successful. It is, of course, the new #CompetitiveAdvantage. But if you don't know all that much about this thing we call #BigData, then how are you supposed to know where to start? How do you know what you should be trying to accomplish? These are 4 #BasicSteps to get you started, and links to more resources, when you are ready to take the next steps!

Are You a Victim of Big#Data #InformationOverload? #FunnyVideo on "Information Overload Syndrome"

If your #organization or #business started acquiring #data before you established a #DataStrategy, you may be at higher risk of big data information overload. Watch this funny video to learn what may become of your #employees when this happens. While this is an unrealistic video, it embodies the same message: information overload should be avoided.

Friday, March 11, 2016

What's It Like Working With a #DataAnalytics and #Consulting Firm- #Testimonial and Interview With One of Cliintel’s Clients

Below, you will find an interview with one of our #clients we have been working with for years. What have we helped them #accomplish? #Standardization of scores, #measures and #reporting, trusted #metrics, #reducedcosts, increased #jobperformance, salary reduction, more #efficientoperations, #transparency and an understanding of #corporatedecisions at all levels. Better yet, this was achieved quickly- our client notes that they started noticing positive differences in under 3 months. The best part? The cost of our services for 2 years were paid for in only 6 months. The main points are bolded throughout.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Utilizing #Data in #Business: Includes #Resources and #Newsletter

#Information is #Power Despite what #industry you are in, you can use data to achieve a wide variety of #goals. It doesn’t matter if you are a big, or #smallbusiness. Simply put, #dataanalysis converts #rawdata into the accurate and #up-to-date #information you need to know what’s going on in every facet of your #company. This information gives #decisionmakers the #power to make the #bestdecisions and improve their businesses.

Have We Become Addicted to Data?

#Data production will be 44 times greater in 2020 than in 2009. Data generation is occurring more quickly than ever before. This is not just some new #technology that we stumbled upon. Humans are responsible for the #rapidgrowth in data. We see this rapid growth as our #dependence on data grows and grows. We have become addicted to data. #dataaddicts #datajunkie #bigdata #dataanalytics #businessdata #datascience #datanews